Sunday, July 20, 2008

Savory Caraway-Cheese Crisps

These are great gourmet crackers to have with salad or a spread. They are flaky and buttery. Much better without the caraway seeds but that's just my personal preference (BF said they looked like ants). I used Challenge butter and O eggs. Be careful not too lather on too much egg wash or the dough will get soggy and sticky (I had to put it back in the fridge). Next time I would try cutting the pieces first, transferring to parchment cookie sheet and then brushing with egg wash. I baked them 2 batches at a time and rotated at 8 minutes (Total baking time 18min).
Question for Martha: Do I transfer them to a "wire rack to cool" on baking sheet or just on parchment?
Side Note: Why do they write recipes in paragraph form as if it was a novel you were going to
curl up in bed with. This is a HANDBOOK. I want numbered instructions.
1. Open the fridge
2. Take out the butter and eggs
3. Crack eggs
Is that too much to ask for?
189 to go!

1 comment:

בצק אלים said...

this blog is such an amazing idea. i've been having so much fun reading it back for the last hour!! i love my baking handbook.

and for your question - i always pull my cookies away WITH the baking sheet and just slide the whole thing right on to my beloved Williams Sonoma cooling rack.

but seriously, i've had my fair share of WOWs and OWs from this baking handbook. i think i should open up a place of my own to log these and share them with the world, too!!