Thursday, July 2, 2009

One Year Reflections

When I first began this project a year ago, I was filled with excitement at the thought of baking 203 recipes in a year. I'm so glad I did not push my idealistic Self into sacrificing all else to accomplish this unrealistic goal.  I have learned that it's OK to be flexible, modify and renegotiate life's projects. To accept my limitations and still enjoy the process.  I have learned that I am a Great baker. I have also realized how much time, money and energy it takes for me to bake. It is a lot of work and it usually leaves me exhausted. I have come to the conclusion that if there was just one great European bakery (NOT Starbuck's stale baked goods) with Great tarts and macaroons nearby (or at least on the Island), I would not bake. Maybe the occasional birthday cake or cupcakes, holiday treats or a special request for a loved one (eg. BF's chocolate chip cookies).  I'm tired and it's too Hot.  I have a 3 and 8 year old I want to play with, swim in the pool with, slip and slide, water balloon fight, perform on their stage, and ride bikes to the park. I don't want to be in the hot kitchen for hours and then have to clean up and be too stressed out to enjoy my them. The days they are with their dad I want to relax, read and spend time with my BF, not "slave" over the oven.  Paradise is not made for baking. I could use the time I use to bake to clean the house, plant flowers in my empty garden, draw, learn to play the Piano, Meditate, take a nap (not while meditating) ,  watch "In Treatment" (My new favorite show), or Dr. OZ on Oprah for life saving advice.  A year ago I was wondering whether I wanted to go to The Cordon Bleu, Now I KNOW I just want to go to Paris and sit in a cafe and eat a chocolate croissant.  Now I know I do not want to open my own bakery. Now I know I do not want to sell my baked goods but bake for those I Love. Now more than ever I know my calling is Neuropsychology and Existentialism. I know I'd rather read than bake.  I also know I'd rather spend baking money at Whole Foods for a healthy nutritious diet. Organic costs more but it's worth it. I'm worth it. My kids are worth it. In this Economy it seems frivolous to spend $40 to make a cake.  Especially after reading Henry David Thoreau's "Walden"; SIMPLIFY.  I am so thankful for all of the support and feedback  my family, BF and friends have given me throughout this year. I am so flattered that my friend CG was inspired to begin her own baking blog " eatamarthacupcake".  She has been our baked goods supplier this summer. Yummy! 
All that been said, I am going to to continue the project. I believe in finishing what you start.  It will now be one of My Many LIFE Projects.  If in My Present Moment I Feel like baking, I will.  If Not, I won't.  As with everything in my life I want baking to be a living Meditation. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Apricot-Cherry Upside Down Cake

100 recipes!!! I did it.  I'm half way there and it's taken me only twice as long as I thought it would. Anyways, what a great cake for this momentous occasion. A sweet Polenta/Almond cake that would be delicious on it's own. The cherries and apricot add a juicy tartness.  But this delicious dessert came at a high price.  It All started at Safeway where I watch the scanner like a hawk. They are notorious for sale signs that "somehow" do not ring up at the register. You do NOT want to stand behind me in line.  The 1lb of cherries were ringing up as 2 lbs and it took them 20 minutes to realize the scale was broken.  The cherries were $8, the nectarines (No apricots. What is the difference?) were $4 and the almond paste was $12. Thirty minutes later and $22 less, I was walking back home. I had to remind myself "Why?" I'm doing this and how much cheaper it is than $10,000 at the Cordon Bleu. I was ready to bake. I began by prepping the ingredients : Pitting the cherries (gruesome affair), slicing the 4 apricots and crumbling the almond paste. I used a 9" springform pan because my 8" pan is only 2" deep (It worked fine).  After arranging the fruits on the bottom I poured the batter and baked it for 58 min (rotating at 30).  I let it cool on a rack for 15 minutes and "inverted the cake unto a serving plate to cool" as stated in the Handbook. I used a glass cake stand and went to see my Netflix. All of as sudden a hear a loud crash.  The scene was heartbreaking! My cake stand had broken in half (Did you know glass breaks from heat? Do I need to use heat resistant glass/serving plate? It should state that in the recipe. Next time I'm not taking any chances and  placing it on a rack. Another lesson learned from this project.) and taken half of my cake with it. I wanted to cry. All that money, time and energy.  I quickly saved the other half before the rest of the stand cracked into pieces.  If you are reading this and wonder why you did not get to taste this cake, this is the reason. I was barely able to save a decent piece for the picture. My mom got to try a sliver and loved it.  We both thought next time I would only make it with cherries (IF they're on sale!). It's a great breakfast treat.
102 to go!

PS. Martha, you owe me a cake stand.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Vanilla Cookie Crust Cheesecake

There was a lot of pressure after the wonderful reviews of my last cheesecake. I made sure to do everything exactly the same way (Cheesecake OCD). The only variation was the vanilla crust. I doubled the ingredients to 2 sticks of butter, 1/2 Cup of sugar, 2 egg yolks, 2tsp Vanilla, 1 1/2 Cups of flour and 2 pinches of salt.  I purposely "forgot" to freeze the dough and baked it for 30 min (Not on a baking sheet). I had to wait for my BF to come home from work and help me put it in the oven. The next day,  My BFF came over to discuss her passion for PETA and Vegetarianism AND try the cheesecake. She Loved it even more if that's possible. 
After you've had double crust you can never go back!. 

103 to Go!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Pineapple-Mango Upside Down Cake

Simple &  OK.   I know that living in Hawaii you would think I would go to the fields, pick a fresh pineapple, slice it, and core it.  Instead, I drove to Safeway and bought Dole canned pineapple sliced and crushed and a ripe mango. I did not make the nipple like mango circles. I filled the pan with the mixed pineapple and mango.  The 2tbsp of butter and brown sugar does not ever become light and fluffy but more like a paste you need to spread with fingers.  The cake batter is very thick.  It baked for 45 minutes rotating at 25. The cake was done except the middle was undercooked. If baked longer the rest of the cake would have been too dry.  My 3 year old enjoyed it for breakfast. Everyone else agreed it was not one of their favorites. 
Maybe I should have used fresh Pineapple.
104 to Go!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New York Style Cheesecake

Let me begin by stating that I am a Huge fan of New York but I have never been a big fan of cheesecakes. I LOVE cheese and I love Cakes but not together. I know there is no such thing as a cheesecake gene because both of my parents Love Cheesecake. They are notorious for bringing home huge Costco cheesecakes at any time, any day.  All that said, I Loved this cheesecake (Maybe it's a recessive gene). It is like no other cheesecake I have ever tasted before. Very smooth and even though it takes 7 packages of cream cheese to make, it does not taste cheesy. I loved the chocolate crust (note: I have heard my mother continuously complain  on the thinness of cheesecake crusts and why they have to be so stingy. I took this opportunity to make her wish come true and use the whole cookie recipe for the crust instead of half. It was Christmas in June for my mom). I forgot to freeze the crust and baked it for 23 minutes on a baking sheet.  I bought a Walmart disposable roasting pan ($3) and filled it with boiling water with the cheesecake inside. Note: This is a two man job. I could not have done it without the help of BF. It is very heavy! It baked at 350 for 45 minutes and 325 for 40 minutes. I then turned off the oven and left the door ajar for 1 hour (This is not fun to do on a Hot summer day).  After it cooled on the rack (out of the roasting pan) I refrigerated it over night.
My BF who also loves cheesecake said it was the "best damn cheesecake he has ever had!". CG and her husband loved it.  My BFF and the person she has been dating for the past four months also said it is one of their favorites.  My parents said it was better than Costcos' which is a big compliment coming from them. Even the kids loved it.  If I knew how much I and everyone else would love it I would have bought a real roasting pan!

105 to Go!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dobos Torte

This Hungarian Cake originally had 5 layers (Leave it to Martha to make it with 9). I thought the cakes were not thick enough to cut in 3 so I cut them each in half and ended up with 6 beautiful layers.  The original cake also calls for a coating of caramel on top to keep the cake from drying out (Martha's version had tooth cutting caramel dots). As you know, Caramel is my Nemesis and I did not want to get in a bad mood on my BF's birthday.  The Cake uses basic ingredients which remind me why I love to bake. The recipe was straightforward and baked for 28 minutes. I let them cool in the pan on wire rack for 10 minutes before inverting and letting them cool completely. I have had plenty of practice making Martha's Chocolate Swiss Meringue Buttercream (Sometimes I dream of the day I can just make buttercream with butter, sugar, and vanilla extract like most of the world without having to whip egg whites over simmering waters vigilant of a candy thermometer registering 160 degrees. Then when the cake is done I remember how worth all of it is for the fluffy, light frosting) so it was literally all smooth sailing. I was so excited to make my own whipped cream for the first time (Before today I thought it was done like  Willy Wonka whipping cows!) I used Guirardelli 60% cacao bittersweet morsels for the frosting. (Secret ingredient: Lots of Love). 
My favorite cake so far (Coconut coming a close second).
Simple but Elegant.
Only the Best for the Best BF on his Birthday!

106 to Go!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chocolate Angel Food Cake with Mocha Glaze

Why does Martha mess with tradition? Who does she think she is, the Illuminati? 
This completes  My Angels and Demons weekend. 

107 to Go!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Angel Food Cake

White, Airy, Light, Sweet.
"The Food of Angels"  (They must have been on a high Protein , low carb, no fat diet!).  If you love to sift  this is the cake for you (5x).  This foamy cake has been criticized for its  appearance and taste to cotton. I like it.  I used a dozen Organic egg whites and it baked for 30 minutes.  I do not drink whine often enough to have a spare bottle on hand which it requires to invert while cooling to prevent cake from falling on itself (My Tube pan does not have legs). My daughter and I began a Mcguiver like hunt for a similar object ranging from a sunscreen bottle to a pointy statue. At last we found a bottle of "Seven" (A nutritious Acai drink full of antioxidants) which fit our need. The next hour was filled with suspense and silence out of fear that any motion or loud noise could send the cake tumbling down. After an hour I began the laborious  job of dislodging the cake from the ungreased tube pan. It finally came out in almost one piece.  
I had it plain with a cup of hot Chai.  My little Cherubs liked theirs  drizzled  with condensed milk.
108 to Go!

PS. The gorgeous flowers were a mother's day gift from BF. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ricotta Cheesecake

A Grainy Flan/Quesillo. 
I made this one first because the NY style cheesecake requires a roasting pan which being a Vegetarian for the past 20 years I do not own. I will need to buy one and call it my "Cheesecake Pan". This recipe is also a lot easier to make.  I Love Ricotta cheese and the orange zest really adds a burst of flavor. It baked for 49 minutes.  It's not the prettiest cake but makes up for it in taste (It's better eaten cold).

109 to Go!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pecan-Apricot Torte

Too  Rustic for me.
This old fashioned Eastern European dessert  is airy, nutty and a bit dry (Even though it only baked for 29 min instead of the 35 stated in the recipe).  Very complicated with many steps: toasting, grinding, beat to "ribbon-like trail", sprinkling, rehydrating, slicing, dusting! Who am I,  Tinkerbelle?
I used Mediterranean (Turkey) dried apricots and Smuckers 18oz Apricot Preserves. HELP: The egg whites never form glossy stiff peaks but instead become fluffy clouds.  How long should I whip them? 
Serve with Whipped Cream or Vanilla Ice cream.

110 to Go!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


The oldest known Torte/Cake in the world (1653) from Austria and  is usually served  during Christmas time (I LOVE WIKIPEDIA!).
I only used blanched almonds (7.5 oz) because I LOVE almonds (It also cut out the step of roasting the hazelnuts and undressing their coating).  It's an easy  dough to work with (I used a 9" springform pan instead of the tart ring and it worked just a well).  The hardest part was measuring the strips to fit the pan (I felt like  a seamstress with the measuring tape).  I used Smuckers seedless strawberry Jam because WHO has time to make their own jam  (Only the women Oprah interviewed in the Mormon compound).
It baked for 40 minutes (Rotating at 20).
 I loved the golden, grainy crust juxtaposed with the sweetness of the jelly.
An Oldie but a  GOODIE. Thank you Austria!

111 to Go!

Monday, April 13, 2009

White Layer Cake with Strawberry Meringue Buttercream

Happy 30th Birthday M.I! 
This is a cake you only make for someone you truly Love. I started it at 7Am and was done at 2PM (I did also go for a walk around Waikiki to get some coffee). It takes 12 egg whites! (Whole Foods sells them by weight. How much do 12 egg whites weigh? It would save a lot of time and egg yolks).  I also decided since M.I. is such a good friend and fan of my baking, to add sliced strawberries in between the layers of cake and on top (It pays to be my friend). They baked for 45 minutes (Rotate at 22). I brushed Simple Syrup (pg. 389) after trimming the tops of the cakes for added moistness. 
She loved it.  Unfortunately her boyfriend planned the surprise birthday party at the park and forgot plates and spoons. 

112 to Go!

Carrot Ginger Layer Cake with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting

"Best Carrot Cake I have EVER had" (BF)
"I LOVED, LOVED it. I want to marry it and have little baby carrot cakes so I can eat those too. Yumm!" (M.I.)
I made this cake for my parents 34th wedding anniversary party. Carrot cake is my mom's favorite and since she deserves most of the credit for the past 34 years, she gets to pick the cake (sorry dad).  
I used fresh grated ginger for both the cake and frosting (only 1 teaspoon for the frosting in case it was too strong for the kids) and it made a world of difference. The orange peel (organic) also added a burst of flavor to the frosting. 
The cakes baked for 39 minutes (rotating at 20). It was hard to cut, stack and frost 4 layers of cake but totally worth it. Make sure to eat it cold out of the fridge. 

PS. I love my mom and dad and am forever grateful for their love and support but I am NOT making Mini Marzipan Carrots!

113 to Go!

One Bowl Chocolate Layer Cake with Chocolate Swiss Meringue Buttercream

"Oh My God!, ur cake was so d....... goooooood I want to bathe in it" (M.I text) 
I think that says it all.
I used Guirardelli Cocoa powder and semi sweet chocolate chips for the buttercream.
It baked for 40 minutes (Rotating at 20). 

114 to Go!

Friday, March 27, 2009

White Cupcake with Strawberry Buttercream

"These are the last cupcakes for at least a year" I said to my BFF. She got up from her bed at 9:30 PM and came to pick them up. She later text "Amazing". They are. The cake is velvety and the frosting is a sweet strawberry swirl. These were ALMOST made about a week ago for my friend CG's Confessions of a Shopaholic book club party (I read the book years ago so I made my wonderful BF watch the 10AM matinee movie with me which he admitted to enjoying). I had painstakingly finished separating the egg whites (8) when the phone rang. BF cut his fingers on glass and I had to rush him to the ER. Yesterday as I began to separate the eggs, I asked him to please be safe (organic eggs are expensive!). He and the cupcakes are well. They baked for 17 min (rotate at 9). The recipe made 36 cupcakes- 3 dozen instead of the 2 stated in the Handbook. (It's a Biblical miracle! Jesus multiplies fish, I cupcakes). All the neighborhood kids were fed.
115 to Go!

Monday, March 16, 2009

One Bowl Chocolate Sheet Cake with Coconut Swiss Meringue Buttercream

Since I have to make the same cake in different variations,  I thought I would try a different topping.  One of my favorite cupcakes is chocolate cake with coconut vanilla buttercream.  It turned out great as as a sheet cake.  Next time (In a few years) I'll try it with the cupcakes. 
Advice: Make sure to wait at least 30 minutes after taking it out of the refrigerator to eat, otherwise the frosting is too hard and tastes like a stick of butter. 
As good as the this cake turned out, I still threw away 1/4th of it. I gave some to everyone on my usual route; Kids, BF, BFF, BFF's BF, CG, Mom and dad.  It is quite tragic for me to dump any amount so I've decided to not make any more  large cakes or cupcakes unless I have an event to take it to (Hint , Hint). 
It baked for 40 min (Rotating at 25 min)

116 to Go!

Apple Spice Cake with Creamy Cream Cheese Frosting

I promised my BF I would make a dessert for his work party. I was ready to bake when I realized I forgot THE HANDBOOK at home. So I headed to Ala Moana (Might as well shop since I'm there with my Banana Republic Friends and Family 30% discount card for March 15th Only. Very Serendipitous!) to the William & Sonoma (If I went to Barnes and Nobles I would have never gotten around to baking) to copy the recipe.  As I sat on a stool (No real furniture there) copying, salespeople would come to see if I needed help, my response " I OWN this book, I just forgot it at home and need a recipe".  
I used Whole Foods 365 Unsweetened Applesauce since Martha said we could and I used most of my allotted baking time to copy the recipe (and do some shopping).  Anyways, why labor over the stove for hours when "In a small town in Vermont, clouds of sweet, warm steam come rolling out of a certain farmhouse kitchen. And working in that kitchen are the people down the road, using whole organic apples and small individual cookers. The applesauce they produce has a unique, home-style flavor- a delicious balance of sweet and tart- that people of all ages are sure to love". 
The batter is very thick (It filled each 9" pan with 3 and 3/4 batter). It baked for 36 minutes.
VERY MOIST cake.  For the frosting I only used Cream cheese (BF thought it is more Universally liked than Goat Cheese and he really likes his Job).  It did not turn out Fluffy but creamy and not too sweet. 
The ingredients for this cake were sponsored by the BF for The National Park Service Karaoke party. 
117 to Go!

Friday, March 6, 2009

One -Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes

Very moist chocolate cake with the perfectly light and fluffy Swiss meringue buttercream.
I love the one bowl idea (Even though the kitchen still ended up looking like I baked 3 weeding cakes).  The batter is very runny so forget using an ice cream scooper (Pour it in or use a ladle). I used good old American  Hershey's cocoa from Walmart (No  Valrhona or Scharffen Berger Cocoa in this economy).  The batter actually made 34 cupcakes which baked for 20 min (Rotating at 10).
I even gave a dozen to my ex-husband and his fiancee for their rehearsal dinner tonight (I know, I am the nicest ex-wife in the world.)

118 to Go!

Carrot Cupcakes

"I don't know why I even bake. It just stresses me out!" were the words I uttered as I finished these cupcakes (9pm). I have realized through this project just how exhausting baking is. The time and energy it takes to buy the ingredients (sometimes 2 and 3 grocery stores), the concentration while baking, the enormous cleanup (No dishwasher) and then the pressure of how it turns out (Perfectionist). I might never bake again once this project is through.
At least my efforts were not in vain because they were really delicious. My BF took them to work and everyone loved them (Except one lady who hates vegetables and would have rathered eaten a meat cupcake). My friend CG said they were amazing. The best review came from my BFF who said " Oh, my Gosh! In a scale from 1-10 I FEEL like it is a 10. But I hesitate to say 10 for every one [see past blogs] and it loose validity. Just to remain a reliable source of feedback, I will give it a nine and add that I would enjoy even more concentration of carrot. More CARROTY. I loved the cream cheese frosting. It was rich and smooth and not waxy, not too sugary but you know it is sweet. Very flavorful. The cake was fluffy and light. SDM (Her boyfriend) ate half which is  a lot since it goes against his no carb philosophy. It was definitely worth the drive by and would do it again" (She came specificly to pick them up. She even brought her own cupcake carrier) .    (Written with BFF's permission to quote).
THIS is WHY I bake.

They baked for 23 minutes (Rotating at 10). 

119 to GO!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Maple-Walnut Cupcakes

My Nemesis struck again. It came disguised as Maple. The cupcakes are pretty basic to make (Use mixer cover when mixing in the milk or it will platter). They are nutty and crumble easily (baked for 20 minutes). Great as muffins with coffee for breakfast.
Then I began to make the
butter cream, cooking the Maple syrup (BF brought all the way from Massachusetts). I used a candy thermometer until it registers 240 (I took it off the heat but the temperature kept rising to 270). As I poured it into the mixer with the egg yolks, it hardened instantly into candy. It almost broke my mixer whisk and sliced my thumb when trying to wipe it off.
I tried to use the
Safeway Butterscotch but this time it did not help (Too sticky. Not even the kids bought it).
If anyone out there has a Maple
Buttercream recipe that does not require a candy thermometer and possible ER, please Help me!

120 to Go!

Banana Cake

Valentines Cake!
I know Banana cake does not sound like the most romantic cake but it was next on the project ( I had to make the Devil's Food cake first for my friend's birthday because she does not like bananas). My BF is a sport and knows I'll make it with Love which is what matters on Valentines. The batter was very heavy and baked for 30 minutes (Rotating at 20). Then I sliced the bananas and cooked them in the caramelized sugar (Reminds me of "platanos" ). So far so good. The Mascarpone frosting is ($$$) not to sweet, light and easy to spread (I DREAD spreading frosting on cakes. I feel like a little kid trying to perform brain surgery). So far so good. THEN.... I HATE CARAMEL. It is my NEMESIS. I stirred the sugar in the pan until "golden amber" (I even referred back to page 19 for color examples). When I added the cream it spatters and hardens very quickly. The ice bath just made it worse (stuck to the bowl).
BF saved the day with his Safeway Butterscotch sauce (I am always keeping it in stock from now on). Why make it when you can buy it is my new motto.
I Love You Honey!
121 to Go!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Devil's Food Cake with Mint Chocolate Ganache

Messy, Messy, Messy! A Delicious Chocolate Mess. The recipe makes a lot of batter which baked for 41 minutes (smooth, moist, velvety cake). This was my first time making Chocolate Ganache(Be careful when pouring the chocolate into the hot milk because it splashes) and was shocked when I read I had to stir it frequently for "about 40 minutes". I don't know who has 40 minutes (Martha's employees!) to stir Ganache but I DO NOT. I let it cool down and beat it for 10 minutes when I realized it had curdled. I placed it in the fridge for 20 minutes and then beat it again until it was fluffy enough to spread. Then came the messy part, pouring the melted Ganache over the cake. I had already placed it on the cake stand and it covered all of it. After refrigerating it for the Ganache to harden, I was too scared to remove the cake to clean the stand. We were taking it to my friend's Birthday Party and I thought they should just be grateful I'm bringing it. My BF said if I trusted him with it he would take it off the stand, clean the stand and place it back on (He's got balls of steel!). I entrusted him with my chocolate volcano and closed my eyes through the whole procedure.
It was a success! It looked and tasted great. My friends said it was the highlight of party.

122 to Go!

PS. Forget the Chocolate Mint Leaves!

Lemon Curd Cake

Mom's Birthday Cake. It took me almost 10 hours to make (Longer than it took for my mom to give birth to me!). This was definitely a Labor of Love. The Lemon Curd was an arduous step that left me wishing I owned a lemon tree (6 lemons) and a chicken coop (4 eggs, 4 egg whites and 16 egg yolks, !). I refrigerated the curd for 2 hours (I wish I would have made it a day ahead). The batter was very thick (I used sour cream) and baked for 30 minutes total (Rotating at 15 min). The Lemon Swiss Meringue was delicious and easy to spread. If you love lemons you'll love this cake.
Happy Birthday Mom (Tita)!
123 to Go!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Coconut Cake with Seven-Minute Frosting.

WOW!!!!! If/when we get married, this will be our wedding cake (Hope you're OK with this honey).  This is the best cake I have ever had in my life (I can't even try to be humble on this one).  At first I was horrified at the amount of eggs it required (8 for the cake, 6 for the frosting for a grand total of 14 eggs!). Then it was the huge amounts of sugar (almost 3 cups).  After I got over these numbers, I thought I had ruined it by adding the flour before the eggs and vanilla. I was not letting all the eggs and sugar go to waste so I continued on as if nothing had happened (Denial is a beautiful thing).  I was actually thinking of omitting that part on the blog (Please don't gasp at me). I know the purpose of the blog is to write the good,  the bad,  and the ugly of this process but the EGO is a funny creature. The reason I am writing what happened is because it might affect why it was so amazing and I want you to experience it too.  I will be OCD every time I make this cake (I've documented the time of day, humidity, weather, monthly cycle. No detail is left for chance.) 
I used Challenger butter, O eggs, Madagascar vanilla, Hawaiian Sun Coconut Milk and flaked sweetened coconut instead of shredded (I also used these flakes to garnish the cake. In the New Project there is no time for fresh coconut "curls". Besides, as my BF pointed out, the kids could choke on those).
I baked the batter in 9'' round pans for 50 minutes (rotating at 22 min). I let them cool in the pan for 10 min an flipped unto a wire rack.
The frosting was easy to make (hardest party was separating the egg whites). Make sure to use a candy thermometer and make sure the mixture is 160 degrees before whipping it. I frosted the cake while lightly warm (Next time I would spread the middle with 2 cups of frosting instead of 1 1/2 since there was some left over. The more the better). 

So Moist! Coconut Lover's Paradise!!!

124 to Go!

Yellow Butter Cupcake with Chocolate Frosting

The kids liked these (Used Guiradelli semi-sweet) but did not LOVE them. I caught my 2 year old scraping the frosting off and eating the cupcake alone (a painful sight). The frosting is very liquid and hard to pipe out of pastry bag (BIG MESS).  They baked for 22 minutes, rotating at 10 (I turned them out after a few minutes unto wire rack). 
This was my offering to my wonderful BF who came over to do his duties: bed frame,  shelves and a round of Monopoly wit the kids.  He seemed happy enough (had 2). 

 This gorgeous cake stand was my Birthday gift from my thoughtful BF. (Neiman Marcus). Thank you honey!

125 to Go!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yellow Butter Cake with Dark Chocolate Frosting

If you love Dark Chocolate you'll love this cake. The kids did not like it but I'll make it up to them with the Cupcake variation.   For the frosting I used 70% Cocoa "El Rey" chocolate from Venezuela that my grandmother Yayi sent me.  The Yellow cake was simple to make and baked for 30 min (Rotating pans after 15 min).  I let them cool 10 min in pan and then flipped them to a wire rack (I brushed Wilton's cake release on cake pans. It works every time an you don't have to use butter, flour or parchment paper). 
I was intimidated to begin the cakes section but I'm glad we're off to a good start.

126 to Go!